
Incorporating Patient Experience in Quality Improvement Projects and Plans
May 7, 2024
This webinar discusses the importance of incorporating patient experience measures in your quality improvement projects and plans. Topics for discussion and practice will include assessment of patient experience data, identify opportunities to conduct PDSAs that address patient experience priorities, and strategies for collaborating with patients and families. 

Participants will be able to: 
  • Describe how patient experience impacts clinical outcomes, patient satisfaction, provider/staff satisfaction, and healthcare quality. 
  • Identify opportunities to assess patient experience data from a QI perspective.
  • Apply QI methodology to patient experience improvement activities.
  • Discuss strategies for involving patients and their families in the QI process. 

Partnering for Pediatric Lead Prevention

March 7, 2024
Partnership invites your organization to apply to participate in this initiative to increase pediatric lead testing for Partnership HealthPlan of California enrolled, age-appropriate pediatric patients in the primary care setting.

Improving Measure Outcomes Webinar Series

These learning sessions will cover Partnership's Primary Care Provider Quality Incentive Program measures.

Target audience: Clinicians, practice managers, quality improvement teams, and staff who are responsible for participating and leading quality improvement efforts within their organization.

Improving Measure Outcomes: Preventative Care for 0 - 2 Year Olds Webinar

February 14, 2024

Improving Measure Outcomes: Preventative Care for 3 - 17 Year Olds Webinar
February 28, 2024


Improving Measure Outcomes: Chronic Disease
March 13, 2024

Improving Measure Outcomes: Diabetes Management

March 27, 2024

Improving Measure Outcomes: Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening
April 10, 2024

Improving Measure Outcomes: Perinatal Care and Chlamydia Screening
April 24, 2024

Incorporating Equity into PDSAs: Linking Quality and Equity in QI Projects

October 5, 2023
This webinar discusses strategies to incorporate healthy equity into existing and future Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) and quality improvement projects. Key topics will include using data to identify health disparities, incorporating equity lens into PDSAs, and selecting measures to monitor improvements over time. 

Presented by the Health Alliance of Northern California (HANC) and North Coast Clinics Network (NCCN)

A​dvancing Health Equity: Linking Quality and Equity in Quality Improvement Projects

April 18, 2023 
This webinar presents information from the Roadmap to Advance Health Equity developed by Advancing Health Equity: Leading Care, Payment and Systems Transformation (AHE). The webinar will discuss key topics including: discovering and prioritizing differences in care, outcomes, and/or experiences across patient groups; planning equity-focused projects; and measuring impact. 

Target Audience: Quality improvement staff, team leaders, managers, and front-line staff
Presented by: The Health Alliance of Northern California (HANC) and North Coast Clinics Network (NCCN)

Mapping Your Way to Improvement: Using Process Maps to Chart the Patient Experience
March 2, 2023
This training session includes overviews of different types of process mapping strategies including value stream mapping to support PDSAs and improvement projects.

Target Audience: Quality improvement staff, team leaders, managers, and front-line staff.

Using Lean and A3 Thinking to Manage Improvement Projects

June 15, 2022
This course will provide an introduction to Lean Thinking and how improvement teams can use the A3 tool to manage the full cycle of an improvement project from planning, monitoring, and sharing what you are learning.

ABCs of Quality Improvement 

Targeted Audience: Clinicians, practice managers, quality improvement teams, and staff who are responsible for participating and leading quality improvement efforts within their organization.

Session 1 of 5: Introduction to Quality and Goal Setting
May 18, 2022

Session 2 of 5: Using Data for Quality Improvement

May 25, 2022

Session 3 of 5: Understanding the Role of Measurement in Quality Improvement

June 1, 2022

Session 4 of 5: What Changes Can We Make That Will Result in Improvement?

June 8, 2022

Session 5 of 5: What Change Can we Make that Will Result in Improvement?

June 22, 2022

The Role of Leadership in Quality Improvement Efforts Interview with Top-Performing Leaders

Leaders from top-performing organizations will share how they were able to build a culture of quality.

Target Audience: This course is intended for executive leaders, managers, and supervisors.

The focus of this training is to:

    • Understand the role of leadership in quality
    • Learn how to successfully build a culture of quality from proven leaders
    • Understand how a culture of quality impacts an organization
    • Learn the key principles to improving quality

Petaluma Health Center
September 23, 2021
Leadership includes CEO and CMO

Community Medical Centers Leaders
October 05, 2021

Engaging Patients in Quality Improvement

March 30, 2021

This training session will introduce the concept of patient engagement in quality improvement with the goal to
improve patient experience and health outcomes.

Participants will be able to:

    • Explain why engaging patients in quality improvement is important.
    • Describe several strategies to engage patients in improvement.
    • Describe aspects of care that could be improved through the involvement of patients.

Understanding the Benefits Delivery System

March 18, 2021

Lead Toxicity and Screening for Elevated Lead Levels

February 3, 2021

Lead screening is far below average in the Partnership service area. Dr. Moore presented a comprehensive clinical summary of the evidence on lead toxicity and effects of elevated blood lead on pediatric development. The recorded webinar includes details on State, Federal and Partnership regulatory requirements.

Project Management 101

This two-session webinar is an introduction to the concepts and tools used in project management. Participants will learn project management principles and the tools used in each phase to manage projects successfully.

Project Management, Session 1 of 2

February 03, 2021


      • Introduce the concepts and tools used in project management
      • Learn project phases and processes
      • Understand steps in framing and planning projects


Project Management, Session 2 of 2

February 10, 2021


      • Apply concepts from Session I in a group activity
      • Learn the key points in executing and monitoring projects
      • Understand how to successfully close and transition projects


*If you need copies of the handouts referred to in these trainings, please email improvementacademy@partnershiphp.org.

PCP QIP High Performers - How'd They Do That?

Summary of PCP QIP High Performers 2020 & 2021

2021 Series

Targeted Audience: For those involved with Partnership's QIP program (leading and/or participating in efforts to address their QIP measures) to learn how other PCP's accelerated in their QIP performance. The 2021 webinar series will focus on the impact of the pandemic and highlight three organizations that used innovative approaches to reach success.

Webinar #1  of 3, with High Performing PCP Sonoma Valley Community Health

Date: Thursday, May 06, 2021

Webinar #2  of 3, with High Performing PCP North Bay Medical Group

Date: Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Webinar #3  of 3, with High Performing PCP Santa Rosa Community Health

Date: Thursday, May 27, 2021

2020 Series

Targeted Audience: For those involved with Partnership's QIP program (leading and/or participating in efforts to address their QIP measures) to learn how other PCP's accelerated in their QIP performance.

Webinar #1 of 3, High Performing PCPs: Dr. Martha Cueto-Salas and Swenson Medical Practice

Representing providers with less than 10,000 assigned PHC members.

Date: September 17, 2020

Webinar #2 of 3, High Performing PCPs: Winters Healthcare and Alexander Valley Healthcare

Representing providers with 10,000 to 20,000 assigned PHC members.

Date: October 08, 2020

Webinar #3 of 3, High Performing PCPs: CommuniCare Health Centers and Marin Community Clinic
Representing providers with more than 20,000 assigned PHC members.
Date: November 05, 2020

October 1, 2020

Targeted Audience: For those leading or highly involved in setting priorities for their quality measures.

A​dvanced Access Webinar Series for Primary Care Providers
Advanced Access was designed to establish and refine the empanelment process; optimize care teams; improve clinical outcomes; and increase patient, provider, and staff satisfaction.

This five-part series provides an overview of the guiding principles of Advanced Access. The webinars cover strategies to reduce delays for appointments, pertinent aims and measures, and resources to support continued improvement. 

Barbara Boushon, RN, BSN, was selected as the faculty to lead this webinar series. Barbara is an expert in the field and has over 20 years of experience leading collaboratives, webinars, and training sessions on Advanced Access across the United States. 

Targeted Audience: Primay Care Providers, Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants, Registered Nurses, Licensed Vocational Nurses, Medical Assistants, Quality improvement Staff, office managers, and front/back office staff.

Webinar #1: Introduction to Advanced Access
(Length: 1 hour, 3 minutes)
  • Identify the benefits of improving access 
  • Identify guiding principles of Advanced Access improvement
  • Learn how to measure 3NA, panel, no-show appointments, and demand/supply/activity 
  • Learn why the demand/supply balance is important 


Webinar #2: Reducing Delays for Appointments - Part 1
(Length: 1 hour)

  • Review the elements of the model for improvement
  • Learn methods to reduce demand for appointments
  • Learn change ideas to reduce no-show appointments


Webinar #3: Reducing Delays for Appointments - Part 2
(Length: 1 hour)
  • Learn ways to reduce appointment types and times
  • Learn change ideas to optimize the care team to increase supply
  • Learn to perform Care Team Work Analysis (CTWA)


Webinar #4: Reducing Delays for Appointments - Part 3
(Length: 1 hour, 8 minutes)

  • Learn how to determine readiness to work down the backlog
  • Learn how to create a backlog reduction plan 
  • Identify why contingency plans are important


Webinar #5: Reducing Delays at Appointments
(Length: 59 minutes)
  • Learn how access and office efficiency improvement are related and synergistic
  • Learn how to set an aim and use cycle time data
  • Identify office efficiency improvement strategies 
  • Identify ways to reduce the delays at an appointment


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