Community Health Assessments and Community Health Improvement Plan
Partnership participates in the Community Health Assessments (CHA) (sometimes called a CHNA) and Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) processes conducted by the local health jurisdiction in each of our 24 counties. This collaboration enhances Partnership’s ability to identify needs and assets within our members’ communities, and strengthens our relationships with community partners. In addition, we develop and share annual data reports that capture a wide range of community-specific data points for each county.
Below you will find CHAs and CHIPs for each Partnership county in addition to how Partnership participated with the county.
Butte County
Partnership actively contributed to Butte
County's Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) by participating in
vision-setting, goal development, and action planning. Partnership took part in
brainstorming sessions to help shape the goals and measures, engaged in
breakout group activities to develop strategies, and provided valuable insights
during group sharing discussions. Additionally, Partnership provided in-kind
staffing support, contributing expertise to ensure the successful completion of
the plan's strategies and activities. The county released their CHIP in November 2024. Click here to view the report.
Colusa County
Partnership played a key role in shaping Colusa County's Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) by participating in brainstorming sessions to define its goals and objectives and contributing valuable insights during strategy development meetings to refine and prioritize interventions. Furthermore, Partnership provided in-kind staffing support, contributing expert knowledge to ensure the successful implementation of the plan's strategies and activities. Click here to view the report.
Del Norte County
Del Norte County's latest Community Health Assessment (CHA), published in 2024, was released at the end of November. Partnership was a key stakeholder in supporting the development of the CHA, including distributing community surveys for data collection through its communication channels. The findings from the CHA were then shared with the community. Click here to view the report.
Modoc County
Partnership staff participated in a review of county concerns, and developed a shared goal with the county. Modoc County released their CHNA in January 2024. Click here to view the report.
Napa County
Partnership staff participated in a review of county concerns, and discussed a tentative goal with the county. Napa County released their CHA in December 2023. Click here to view the report.
Shasta County
Partnership staff participated in a review of the key findings and priority areas identified in the CHIP process. Partnership and Shasta County co-developed a SMART goal focusing on increasing child well visits, aligned with DCHS's Bold Goals 50x2025 initiative. Shasta County released their CHA and CHIP in June 2024. Click here to view the CHA. Click here to view the CHIP.
Sonoma County
Partnership staff participated in a review of the county's approach to their assessment and improvement plan, discussed the county's 4 priority areas, and gathered ideas for a tentative shared goal with the county. Sonoma County released their combined CHA/CHIP report in December 2023. Click here to view the report.
Yuba County
Partnership staff participated in a review of CHIP health priority areas, and a discussion around how Partnership can help the county going forward. Yuba County released their CHIP in December 2023. Click here to view the report.