Madeline's Story

​Madeline (right) with her social worker, Jennifer (left).                    

​From Nursing Facility Back to the Community

Madeline is an 80-year-old Partnership member referred to the Enhanced Care Management Skilled Nursing Facility-to-Community Program by Granada Rehab and Wellness in Eureka. Madeline came to the skilled nursing facility after being hospitalized for a physical assault. Madeline was unable to return to her longtime home after the attack; she would spend the next eight months in the nursing facility until she was able to return to the community.

At her first meeting with Madeline, Partnership Social Worker Jennifer knew instantly that this woman was a survivor, a lesson in resiliency, and not easily deterred by her diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis (MS). The heightened stress from the assault and ensuing legal proceedings caused flare-ups of Madeline's MS, leaving her needing to use a wheelchair for days. Additionally, Madeline only had the clothes on her back when she had left her home; all she was left with was her sparkly disposition and perseverance.

Madeline began her search to find a place to stay by contacting the Victim Witness Assistance Program, which helped her book a local motel room, where Jennifer would visit her. She had used her own limited funds because she believed that Victim Witness Assistance Program would reimburse her for her motel stay. However, Madeline's assailant died before the court hearing disposition. Because of this, Madeline was informed that she would not be eligible to receive reimbursement for her motel stay despite already having stayed there for a month. Unable to secure other housing, Madeline ended up spending two months at the motel, which financially drained her.

Faced with no other housing option, Madeline was forced to vacate her motel room. The local shelter was not going to be open until that evening, and she had no safe place to wait. To make matters worse, she had been injured due to a fall a few days prior as a result of an MS flare-up, which even made walking a struggle. 

Jennifer immediately called Adult Protective Services (APS), asking for urgent assistance. APS was able to meet with Madeline that same day and mobilized their resources in the community to secure a room at a room-and-board complex. They transported Madeline to the complex and paid for her security deposit and prorated rent. Although Madeline's room was furnished, she had no food, clothing, or other essential items.

Jennifer promptly signed Madeline up for Meals on Wheels, Cal Fresh, and Senior Delivered Brown Bags. Jennifer also organized donations from friends and local business owners of clothing, shelf-stable food items, a coffee maker, toiletries, a television, and kitchen items for Madeline. APS was able to set up In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) for Madeline, and from this service, she now receives assistance with shopping, light housekeeping, and bathing.

Jennifer's dedication to Madeline and her case included referring her to housing resources in the community, filling out rental applications, applying for benefits, but most importantly, promoting Madeline's self-advocacy through compassion, listening, and understanding.

Jennifer is still working with Madeline to tie up loose ends related to her housing, and their contact is becoming less frequent as she gets more settled. Jennifer is happy to report that Madeline has made friends at her new residence, and she is utilizing those connections as natural supports. As a result, she is less dependent upon Jennifer's case management. Madeline notes she is happy to be living in her new space and she owes so much gratitude to Partnership and her social worker!

If you or someone you know is experiencing abuse or violence, here are some helpful resources to seek help:

  • National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233

  • National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-4673