Tobacco Cessation & Prevention


Ready to quit smoking?

Smoking is the biggest preventable cause of illness and early death. It does not matter how old you are or how long you have smoked, it is important to quit. Quitting smoking reduces your risk of lung cancer, heart disease, stroke and other lung diseases. The health benefits start as soon as you quit smoking!

  • After 20 minutes - your blood pressure starts to decrease
  • After 24 hours - your chance of having a heart attack is less
  • After 1 year - your risk of heart disease is decreased
  • After 5 to 15 years - your risk of stroke is reduced

There are many ways to quit smoking. You may even have to try different ways before you succeed, but do not get discouraged! The important thing is that you quit. Keep in mind that it is never too late - especially if you are living with a chronic illness.

Partnership can help! We can refer you to no cost in-person and telephone counseling. We also pay for all of the FDA approved medicines that help people quit smoking. Call Care Coordination for a referral at 800-809-1350.

Tips to Help You Quit:

  1.  Admit the problem to yourself and those around you.
  2. Keep track of when and why you smoke.
  3. Set a quit date.
  4. Limit the time you spend with people who smoke.
  5. Write down a list of reason to quit smoking. Keep that list with you to remind yourself of the reason you want to quit.
  6. Talk to your doctor about treatment options.

Kick It California

Kick It California helps people quit smoking, vaping, and smokeless tobacco. The coaches help you make a quit plan and support you through the process. They teach you strategies to are known to be effective and have worked for many, many people. And you have options like telephone counseling or online options. If you have been thinking about quitting smoking, call today or go online and chat:

​County Tobacco Cessation and Prevention Resources

There are also options for in-person and group counseling. Choose the county link to find out about in-person counseling in your area.