Tribal Health and Wellness


​Partnership is the first health plan in California to have a Tribal liaison. The liaison works to create lasting bonds between Partnership and Tribal communities. The liaison also aims to improve Tribal members' health and access to care. At Partnership, we are committed to diversity and equity as we serve to be a partner in our Tribal members' health and wellness.

Governor's Office of Tribal Affairs

The Governor's Office of Tribal Affairs has some helpful resources about:

The California Truth and Healing Council was created as part of Executive Order N-15-19, which gives a voice to those affected by the "historical violence, exploitation, dispossesion, and the attempted destruction of tribal communities."

More Resources:​

Partnership's Tribal Liaison

Yolanda Latham serves as Partnership's Tribal liaison. For more information on Tribal Health meetings and more, you can contact her at You can also call Member Services at
(800) 863-4155. TTY users can call (800) 735-2929 or 711.