Your Medi-Cal

Mom and baby


Every state may have a Medicaid program. California calls its program Medi-Cal. You qualify for Partnership if you are eligible for Med-Cal and live in one of the counties Partnership serves. To find out more about who is eligible for Medi-Cal, clic​​​k here.

As a member, you get benefits and services through our network providers. Partnership manages your Medi-Cal benefits to ensure you have access to high-quality health care.​​

​Partnership Benefits​

Lady calling about prescription

Advice Nurse Line

The Advice Nurse is a service offered to Partnership members at no cost. This service is offered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Learn more about our Advice Nurse Line



Partnership coordinates transportation for Medi-Cal covered services and appointments.


Mental Health

If you need care for mental health, you can be seen by a mental health provider who works with Partnership.

Dad and daughter with glasses

Vision Care

​Members can get a routine eye exam every 24 months, or as medically necessary.