On January 7, 2019, Governor Gavin Newsom issued
Executive Order N-01-19 (EO N-01-19) for achieving cost savings for drug
purchases made by the state. A key component of EO N-01-19 requires that the
Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) transition all Medi-Cal pharmacy
services from Managed Care (MC) to Fee-for-Service (FFS). The Medi-Cal pharmacy benefits and services administered by DHCS in the
FFS delivery system will be identified collectively as “Medi-Cal Rx.” Medi-Cal Rx went live on January 1, 2022.The state's goal in transitioning pharmacy services for Managed Care FFS is to standardize the Medi-Cal Rx benefit statewide under one delivery system and apply statewide utilization management protocols to all outpatient drugs. Click on the links below for more information.