Provider Recruitment Program (PRP)

The Provider Recruitment Program (PRP) was created as a pilot in September 2014 with Partnership HealthPlan of California board-approved funding for our 14-county service area. To date, more than $9.3 million has been approved for the PRP to support hiring of primary care providers, mental health providers, and behavioral professionals.
The PRP's purpose is to help our contracted network recruit and retain high-quality health professionals to our region to improve access to care for Partnership members.
January 2024 Program Update
is pleased to announce exciting changes for our 2024 Provider Recruitment
Program. Organizations with an existing PRP grant agreement in place with Partnership must execute the 2024 PRP grant agreement to participate with updated incentives as the new agreement will replace all previous agreement versions.
Highlights include:
Program Incentives Available for Provider Candidates (payable over five years):
- $100,000 for physicians (providing services in family medicine, internal medicine, pediatrics, obstetrics and psychiatry)
- $120,000 for medical residents training in Partnership’s 24-county region ($20K payable in program year three with a five-year commitment post-graduation)
- $50,000 for nurse practitioners/physician assistants/certified nurse midwives (NPs/PAs/CNMs)
Additional Program Highlights / Incentives Available for Providers:
- $5,000 moving allowance match
- $1,000 site visit match
- $5,000 extended family moving allowance
Program Criteria for Provider Support:
- If the candidate is currently practicing, they must be from outside Partnership's 24-county footprint.
- Providers in training or residency programs within Partnership's footprint qualify for program support.
- Psychiatric providers must provide both in-person and telehealth care services to Partnership membership- specific to this provider.
- Candidates must not have accepted an offer to practice at a partner site under the previous PRP.
- A reasonable effort must be made to submit requests for program support before offers are made.
- Recruited providers must meet all other terms outlined in Partnership's PRP grant agreement.
Behavioral Health Professionals
Program Highlights / Incentives Available:
- $20,000 signing bonus available for below licensed behavioral health professionals with special skill/specialty (ie. Bilingual, or from or connected with a culturally, ethnically, or racially underrepresented community, or specific specialty training/experience):
- Licensed Clinical Social Workers
- Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists
- Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor
- Licensed Clinical Psychologists
- $4,000 signing bonus for Certified Substance Use Disorder (SUD) counselors
- $5,000 signing bonus for Bilingual Certified Substance Use Disorder counselors
Program Criteria for BH Professional Support
- In order to qualify for a program bonus, licensed BH professionals must possess a special skill/specialty (ie. Bilingual, or from or connected with a culturally, ethnically, or racially underrepresented community, or specific specialty training/experience).
- The program is available for successfully recruited candidates employed with an organization (i.e., not solo providers) that is currently contracted with Partnership or with Carelon Behavioral Health.
- If the candidate is currently practicing, they must be from outside our 24-county footprint. Providers in training programs within our footprint qualify for program support.
- Currently employed in-network associate social workers (ASWs), and associate marriage and family therapists (AMFTs) who become licensed, and registered drug counselors who become certified would qualify as a recruit; however, ASWs, AMFTs, and registered drug counselors are not eligible.
- A reasonable effort must be made to submit requests for program support before offers are made.
- Bilingual candidates must be bilingual in Spanish or another language needed within the Partnership network.
- To qualify for behavioral health recruitment program support, behavioral health services may be provided via telehealth as long as the supported candidate resides in, and is certified/licensed by California.
- Program to support Certified Substance Use Disorder Counselors who plan to be credentialed to provide SUD Services in Partnership's Wellness and Recovery Program Counties (Humboldt, Lassen, Mendocino, Modoc, Shasta, Siskiyou, or Solano).
Important Notes
- Recruited provider candidates must stay in place for the full 60 month period to receive all of the approved signing bonus for primary care providers.
- Recruited Licensed BH pofessionals and certified SUD counselors must remain in place for 24 and 12 months respecitvely to receive the approved signing bonus.
- There is a 12-month expectation of service attached to the first provider recruitment bonus payout, including the first behavioral health signing bonus payment for supported candidates. If a candidate leaves their position before completing 12 months of service, they are expected to pay back the initial bonus.
- If a candidate is practicing less than full-time, the amount of the signing bonus will be prorated based on the percentage of full - time the candidate will be practicing.
- Payment of approved program incentives cannot begin until supported candidates start practice and are credentialed with Partnership and/or Carelon Behavioral Health.
- Facility will pay recruited candidates PRP payments minus any applicable taxes. PRP payments may not be discounted from the compensation package that the recruited candidates receive from organization.
New Application Process
We've adopted a grant lifecycle management platform to help improve PRP application efficiency. We hope that this will be an improvement for users of the program to automate the process of submitting requests to the program, receive approvals, and track requests made over time. In order to utilize the online platform, your organization must have a fully executed 2024 PRP Grant Agreement in place. Once that takes place, you can follow the link below in order to create an account at Partnership's online grant portal.
Please contact the WFD team at to verify the agreement and account detail.
Partnership's Online Recruitment Program Grant Portal
Please contact the Workforce Development team with any questions: