Training Information and Resources


​​The following training opportunities and resources were developed to assist in providing high-quality and effective health care.

Tobacco Cessation

Tobacco Cessation

Provider Tobacco Cessation Training

Collaborative Medical Platform

Value of coordinated communication, brief history of platform, example of ED information available, benefits of approach, scope of use in state, the Collective Medical tool.  Case studies in UCSF Medical Center and Placer County Whole Person Care program..



SBIRT Training

Dr-Patient SBIRT

Scr​ee​ning, Brief Interventions, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT)

Effective January 1, 2014 California began offering the SBIRT benefit to Medi-Cal beneficiaries. This benefit aligns with the U.S. Preventative Services Task force recommendation and is offered annually to all Medi-Cal Beneficiaries 18 years and old in primary care settings. In accordance with the Bright Futures American Academy of Pediatrics' recommendation, adolescent Medi-Cal beneficiaries, ages 11-17 are to be given an alcohol and drug use assessment annually in primary care settings using the CRAFFT tool for screening. For a detailed description go to:

SBIRT Training and Resources

SPD Training

SPD Training

Seniors and Persons with Disabilities (SPD)​

Health Risk Assessment (HRA)

The Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) requires that all SPD members enrolled in Medi-Cal Managed Care receive a health risk assessment within the first 45 days of enrollment for high risk members, and 105 days of enrollment for low risk members.

Partnership sends all members this SPD HRA upon enrollment into the Plan. Partnership uses responses from this HRA, along with any claims data the State or the Plan may have to determine if a member is high or low risk. This information is then used by Partnership to prepare a care plan for the member, and screen them for enrollment in Partnership's case management programs.

SPD members are identified by their Medi-Cal aid code. Members who are dual-eligible (e.g. have Medicare and Medi-Cal) and those who reside in Long Term Care (LTC) facilities are not considered to be SPDs because they either have another primary payer or are in a coordinated treatment program, respectively.

SPD Trainings and Materials​​