Office of the CMO


The medical directors at Partnership HealthPlan of California are responsible for rendering clinical judgment in the areas of medical necessity for utilization management, grievances and appeals, quality incentive programs, potential quality issues, and health plan policies and procedures. They are experienced primary care physicians, board certified in either pediatrics, internal medicine or family medicine. 

From the Desk of the CMO

Access newsletters and meeting information developed by Dr. Robert Moore and his team.  


Partnership Primary Care Blog



Spring Regional Medical Directors Forum

New programs · Major Partnership and state policy updates · Mental health and substance use disorder treatment updates · Data review and public health issues · PCP-QIP updates

Detailed notes Leadership | Clinicians | County Profiles

Tribal Health Convening 

Partnership hosted the second annual Tribal Health Convening at The California Endowment Center for Health Communities in Sacramento on Monday, October 7, 2024. The event was well-attended by 16 Tribal health clinics, two mental health and Substance Use Disorder treatment facilities, medical education partners from the UC Davis Rural PRIME program, and attendees from California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), California Rural Indian Health Board (CRIHB), and The California Endowment. The event was held to discuss important issues within Medi-Cal plaguing underserved tribal communities.

Tribal health clinics had the opportunity to share feedback during two listening sessions, while Partnership presented information about data sovereignty, perinatal services, and behavioral health updates. Chef Crystal Wahpepah, Kickapoo, award-winning indigenous chef and owner of Wahpepah's Kitchen in Oakland, CA, catered lunch and shared her approach to food sovereignty by sourcing ingredients from American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN)-owned businesses and lands.

The event concluded with a passionate and informative keynote speech given by Ms. Virginia Hedrick, Yurok Tribal member and acclaimed speaker. Ms. Hedrick shared her personal experiences growing up in a Tribal community and the challenges faced by the alarming disparities in caring for the health of the community, namely elders who are vital to preserving culture – a bridge to the past – and children, the key to the future.

Ms. Hedrick said that scare tactics to encourage Tribal communities into compliance for meeting health quality measures are ineffective. "Don't tell me my child could die. Tell me this is how I keep my child and my elders healthy," she said. Ms. Hedrick also noted that the language used in screening for Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) can be triggering, offering ways in which those questions can be reframed with more positive language and sensitivity. She shared how vital network connections are in knowing who to turn to for resources and support in communities and state agencies. 

Tribal Health Convening Presentation

Handout Materials


Partnership Symposium - PCP Medical and Quality Leadership Orientation

PCP medical and quality leadership orientation for PCPs in Partnership’s new counties.

November 2023 Detailed Notes

Tribal Health Engagement

With the support of the California Rural Indian Health Board, Partnership invited 18 Tribal Health Clinics and three Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder treatment facilities to an all-day engagement in Sacramento on
October 16, 2023 in efforts to better the health outcomes of tribal community members. There, tribal health topics and program offerings affecting tribal organizations and members were discussed. The event concluded with a guest speaker, Ms. April Kyle, President and CEO of the renowned Southcentral Foundation, presenting The Nuka System of Care and their journey to improving the quality of health care and lives for Alaskan Natives. The Southcentral Foundation is the only tribal health clinic to-date to win the prestigious Malcolm Baldridge Award for Quality, twice. 

Partnership HealthPlan Presentation

Southcentral Foundation - Nuka System of Care

Engagement Packet Materials

Tribal Health Engagement Meeting Minutes

Events and Webinars

Stay up to date on the latest events and webinars offered by Partnership.


September 11, 2024 - Introducing the Partnership HealthPlan Perinatal Services (PHPS) Program Webinar:

This webinar will walk through the policy and billing aspects of the Partnership Perinatal Services Program. It is essential that all current California Perinatal Services Program managers and billing staff attend. In addition, aspects of Partnership Perinatal Services Program affect all providers of prenatal care, so managers and billing staff of all prenatal care providers are encouraged to attend.

February 12, 2024 - Shuttering of Maternity Care Centers in Northern California:

Understanding underlying causes of the accelerating closures of maternity care and delivery services in and out of the hospital, while exploring solutions to build safe and equitable access to care.




Optimizing the Configuration of the Electronic Health Record for Quality: 2023 Update

For many measures of quality, performance may be improved through the structure and configuration of the electronic medical record (EMR) system. Partnership HealthPlan of California has released the fourth edition of “Best Practices for EMR Configuration: Meeting New Quality Requirements” with several changes from the 2022 edition.

The Light Under the Door: Anxiety

In light of the recent U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommendation for the routine screening for anxiety disorders, Partnership invites you to attend this webinar that will review the key components of detection, evaluation, and management of anxiety disorders.

Fentanyl: An old drug creating new problems Understanding the pharmacology, debunking the myths, and considering the treatment options 

Illicit fentanyl and other high potency synthetic opioids (F/HPSO) are a growing public health concern, and are largely responsible for an increasing number of overdose and poisoning deaths in the United States. While F/HPSO are not new, our understanding of F/HPSO is incomplete, and clinical experience has outpaced research.

Contingency Management for Treating Stimulate Use Disorder: Theories, Principles, and Practice

The information contained in the accompanying link represents the medical knowledge and research of Thomas E. Freese, Ph.D, Director, UCLA Integrated Substance Abuse Programs/Adjunct Professor, Dept. of Psychiatry, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. The appearance of Contingency Management for Treating Stimulate Use Disorder: Theories, Principles, and Practice Vimeo video on Partnership’s website does not constitute an endorsement by UCLA or its affiliates, the Opioid Response Network, and Pacific Southwest ATTC. No continuing education credit will be offered for viewing this video.

Medical Directors

The Partnership medical directors are proud of their role in promoting access to high-quality health care for the Medi-Cal population in Partnership's 24 counties. The medical directors are responsive to inquiries from our clinician network, pro-active in addressing quality and systems issues they encounter, and logical and rational in their approach to complex medical scenarios.

Chief Medical Officer:

Robert Moore, MD MPH MBA, Family Medicine

Regional Medical Directors:

Eureka: Del Norte, Mendocino, Humboldt, & Lake 
Jeff Ribordy, MD MPH

Fairfield: Napa, Solano, & Yolo
Colleen Townsend, MD
Family Medicine

Santa Rosa: Marin & Sonoma
Lisa Ward, MD
Family Medicine, Obstetrics & Gynecology

Redding: Siskiyou, Modoc, Shasta, Lassen, Trinity & Tehama
Bradley Cox, DO
​Family Medicine

Chico: Glenn, Butte, Sutter, Colusa, Yuba
R. Douglas Matthews, MD
Gastroenterology & General Surgery

Auburn: Plumas, Sierra, Nevada & Placer
Matthew Morris, MD

Medical Director of Medicare Services

Kermit Jones, MD, Internal Medicine

Medical Director for Quality:

Mark Netherda, MD, Family Medicine

Associate Medical Directors:

Aaron Thornton, MD, MBA, Internal Medicine

Bettina Spiller, MD, Family Medicine

David Katz, MD, Family Medicine 

James Cotter, MD MPH, Family Medicine 

Mark Glickstein, MD, Internal Medicine

Marshall Kubota, MD, Family Medicine 

Teresa Frankovich, MD MPH, Pediatrics 



Access resources Partnership medical directors find valuable for providers.​