Telehealth Testimonials

A Success Story From Our Member 

"I look at telehealth as a god blessing for anyone with a special needs child - or any child."

Bobbie Hooks
Shasta Community Health Center
Watch their story


What Our Prov​iders Say

"The best part of Partnership’s telehealth program is their ongoing communication with sites like mine and how easy they make it for new sites to start up a Telemedicine program. Partnership/TeleMed2U made rolling out our program very easy and continue to support the program allowing us to grow over the last three years. By using Partnership’s telehealth program we are able to provide patients in our area with specialty services that they would otherwise have to wait a lot longer for or be unable to attend at all. These specialty services provide patients with better insight and treatment for their chronic illnesses as well as treating new onset issues before they become chronic."

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Amanda Harris, Telemedicine Coordinator
Mayers Memorial Hospital in Fall River Mills

"I cannot speak highly enough about this program and the excellent care it helps us bring to our patients. The amount of support I receive from the Partnership team is unbelievable. They are so easy to work with and helpful. Any clinics that are thinking about joining the Partnership Telehealth program I say 'Do It,' you have nothing to lose and hundreds of happy, well cared for patients to gain."

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Jamie Wasson, Telemedicine Coordinator
Karuk Tribal Health Clinics

"Before using telehealth, Partnership patients had to either travel hours out of the area to be seen or wait many months for an appointment. There has always been a very limited amount of specialist locally, especially in the case of pediatric sub-specialist. SCHC chose to be a part of Partnership's telehealth program because of the opportunity to provide patients access to specialty care that was otherwise unavailable. Our mission is to provide quality health care services to the medically underserved populations of our communities, and working with Partnership to create access for patients, aligns perfectly with the mission. In my opinion, the best thing about Partnership’s telehealth program is the collaboration."

Leslie Warner, Center Manager of Family Practice and Telemedicine
Shasta Community Health Services